Filigree Suppers offers a variety of food and design related services suited to your brand’s needs.

Content Development & Story Telling

Looking for a whimsical spin on your brand? We love getting our hands dirty and using your product to tell a new story. We have connections with a variety of talented lifestyle and food photographers, and together will deliver exciting and unique images for any publication or social media outlets. We also love snapping our own photos and can offer our unique point of view through social media takeovers.  


With over ten years of experience in corporate settings, we have been through our share of team building and development workshops. A Filigree Workshop is a little different. We use food, styling and design as a way for your team to connect and build relationships. It’s fun, low pressure and a wonderful way to enable your team to develop new products and new ways of thinking.

Design Partnerships

With comprehensive experience developing products and textiles for both home and fashion, we can help refresh product lines and design new ones with our hand-made aesthetic and unique point of view.

Travel Diary

We love to travel, meet new people, and delve into any local scene where art flourishes and new communities are formed. For a Filigree Suppers #traveldiary we will create a world of content based on our favorite finds in any destination. Perfect for hotels and hospitality, we will tell your story through our #traveldiary lense.